Are you ready to meet your wise inner guide?

The Questions You’ll Wish You Asked Yourself journal invites you to understand and heal your past, love and trust yourself in the present, and feel clarity and hope as you create the future you want.

The prompts are organized to help you access a space within where self-knowledge meets healing, and the journal also contains links to free breathwork and meditation tracks, which integrate your mind and body. All of this guides you to an even deeper self you’ve yet to meet…a self that already has all the answers, guidance, and peace you’ve been searching for.

Learn more and pre-order it here.

Hi, I’m Melissa.

I’m a mother of two, certified coach and Clarity breathwork practitioner, former drug addict-turned-sober-human (since May 24th 2012), and author of numerous books, including the bestselling journal series “The Questions You’ll Wish You Asked.”

Everything I create lives beneath the creed of “Follow Your Fire” because it signifies my “why”: helping people navigate the fire of life and all its challenges, while also living with meaning, deep connections, and purpose.

I believe in turning within to your own inner pilot light, and finding people, communities, and tools that keep it burning even when life is a storm.

The practices I offer (asking powerful questions through self and other-inquiry, writing down answers, and practicing breathwork) were found out of great need.

I am an overthinking, self-conscious, highly sensitive person with a thin skin…who is also living a courageous, vulnerable, and highly visible life. The parts of my life that might seem shiny are not despite the shadowy parts, but because of them. I believe in calling in all parts of ourselves and not pretending to have it all figured out.

If that sounds like you too, I’m so glad you’re here.

I hope I can remind you that you don’t need to be fully healed or have it all figured out to be living with meaning, connection, and sacredness.

I hope that today you remember that you are intrinsically important in this world, that connection to self and others merely starts with a conversation, and that life is less about having the right answers and more about asking the right questions.