How to Feel Hopeful "Enough" When You're Struggling, Shaky, and Uncertain

If you’re alive in 2020, you might be struggling.

The pandemic that never seems to end, political vitriol and disagreement at every corner, and systemic inequality that has always existed but is even more apparent as the hot water of our current moment boils our culture over.

It’s rough.

While running the maiden voyage of The Art of Social Media I have been struggling myself – yes, with tech issues and predictable learning moments, but also with my own mental health.

I’m seeing it in my clients too: things don’t feel okay. Succumbing to the discomfort of this moment can be hard, even for those of us well-versed in “facing life on life’s terms.”

If, like me, you’ve been waiting for that reassuring 90’s era sitcom talk that things will be okay, I have a reminder for you – we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.


As many struggle with anxiety, uncertainty, and the depression that can come from isolation or tense family relationships, I want to remind you of all that you’ve lived through before.

Bring to mind a really difficult moment in your past - the one you thought would break you. Do you remember how things felt so dire, so FUBAR, so hopeless?

Can you stop for a moment and remember that the person remembering that moment is here because you got through it?

Consider the moments of grief, struggle, or sickness that you’ve already faced. You have harnessed energy where there was previously none – you have figured out how to keep going when you had no idea that you even could.

You have made tough decisions, you have gone against the grain, and while things didn’t always go the way you hoped, you came out the other side a more worldly and resilient peach with a suitcase of experience to unpack for moments exactly like this one.

Always, somehow, you had enough.

Always you have BEEN enough.

Today, you ARE enough.

And if things feel tough right now, below are some ideas for how you’re going to get through this:

First, here’s an incredible meditative song that I return to a lot when I’m feeling shaky.

It’s by Beautiful Chorus and I highly suggest checking them out – they provide brief but hopeful meditative songs and mantras for every position you may find yourself in.

Second, a journal prompt: what difficult moment in my past did I overcome and persist through?

How can that experience deliver hope in the present moment?

Third, asking yourself…how can I best take care of my heart right now?

Where have you found joy, peace, or solace lately? Is it with your nose buried in a familiar book, taking a long uninterrupted shower, or watching your pup tear into a new chew toy? Lately I’ve found that chasing my one year old around on all fours brings both of us giggles – so does re-reading the Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood, a decades old favorite. I’m going to keep doing those things.

How can you take care of your heart this week?

I want to leave you with a reminder that you are smart, capable, and can do hard things.

No decision made with conscientiousness and love is wrong; no feeling is final or even bad.

If you’re feeling shaky or alone right now, I want to assure you that you’re not.

You’re already enough.

You’re loved.

God has got you – and we are all in this life thing together.

Cheering you on and reminding you who you are,


PS: Have you ever heard of Brain Pickings by Maria Popova? It’s a “free Sunday digest of the week's most interesting and inspiring articles across art, science, philosophy, creativity, children's books, and other strands of our search for truth, beauty, and meaning.” This newsletter is something I look forward to every week and I want to make sure you know about it. You can check it out here.

PPS: Keep going. You’re loved. You’re needed. Things will get better.
