11. Change Your Real Life By Changing How You Show Up on Social Media

 Hey peaches,

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

What does social media have to do with living an untamed, liberated, and powerful life? I mean, they’re just a buncha silly apps, right? Wrong.

Welcome to episode eleven, where I address how the way you show up (or don’t) on social media can actually affect the rest of your life. 

This week’s show is specifically for you if you’ve ever struggled with your relationship to your apps on social media. If you’ve found yourself getting down about the:



-fake news

-inauthenticity of other people’s “highlight reel”

-confusion about what to share and what to keep to yourself

-time wasted on the apps

-dramatic shenanigans that make you question humanity

-overwhelm with what’s wrong in the world

-literally all the other stuff I could list…

...Have no fear! The answer is not to delete the apps out of frustration or a feeling of “welp, I guess it has to be like this.” Social media doesn’t actually have to be a place that your well-being goes to die, and if you work on bridging the gap between your online life and your “real” life, you’ll find that addressing issues that plague you online are gonna shift literally everything else.

Because though social media can seem like a trivial compartment of your one wild and precious life, the way you show up there (or don’t) can determine the way you show up to your actual IRL life. And we only get one of those - so why not show up with truth, power, and the beauty that comes from being your bravest and most liberated self?



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