13. Stop Unnecessary Suffering by Learning the Difference Between Clean and Dirty Pain

“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional,” or so the trusty old saying goes.

But wait, is that actually right?

The definition of suffering is simply “undergoing pain or hardship.”

Clean and Dirty Pain

And if you’re showing up to life (“in the arena” as Brene Brown often talks about) you’re gonna get your butt kicked by pain once in a while. Pain is the flip side to the exhilarating joys and deep love of a truthful life. It’s rough, but we’re supposed to feel it.

But where is the line between the pain of a fully experienced life, and unnecessary suffering?

How do we know if we’re spinning in rumination versus recognizing difficult circumstances?

Allow me to introduce you to the concept of “clean and dirty pain” – and how it can change your life.

Turns out that not all suffering is created equal, and we humans have the ability to experience “clean” pain (the truthful reality of difficulties in life) and stop suffering from “dirty” pain (a pain that our beautiful brains bring on unnecessarily - a dirty pain that inhibits us from experiencing joy, peace, and connection.)

If you’re ready to suffer less and enjoy your wild and precious life more, this episode is for you.

Here are some simple and actionable steps that will allow you to stop suffering unnecessarily TODAY. 

Keep going, my loves,


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