Hey there,
I hope this blog finds you pantsless and holding an ice-cream loaded spoon. (That’s an intro you’re welcome to copy and paste into work emails today – you’re welcome.)
photo courtesy of La Albuquerque
If things in your world are anything like mine, they might be kinda weird right now.
This week I accidentally washed our family’s Apple remote with the laundry, got accused of being a charlatan by a fellow coach (more on that later) and am continually asking myself how to best respond to the still-serious pandemic, persistent inequality and racism, and all that is kinda (or very) fucked up about the world.
Life is always weird – but lately, I think it’s asking me (us) to sit with discomfort, confusion, and not turn away out of overwhelm. If you need some ice cream, so be it – but let’s keep showing up to life, y’all…regardless of how uncomfortable it is.
Speaking of discomfort, how do you feel about social media these days?
With all that’s going on in the “real” world I’m noticing that the online sphere is a struggle for lotsa people.
There are many reasons social media can be a struggle, and they include things like:
- The constant sharing of fake news
- The arguments that break out into vitriolic attacks (sometimes between your cousin and your high school homecoming date)
- The “self-righteous” culture of “I am right, you are cancelled, just delete me if you don’t agree!”
- The sad (and sometimes traumatic) news stories
- Comparing your life to others (and feeling crappy)
- A feeling that you’re wasting your life scrolling instead of living in the “real” world (no balance)
- A general feeling of “UGH” when you log off
I totally get all the above grievances because they’ve been the reason that I’ve deleted social media myself many times throughout the years.
But what sucked about those long stretches was leaving communities that I really appreciated, parts of my friend’s lives that I wanted to share, activism, novel information, hilarious videos, creative spaces, and threads that made me feel smarter and more deeply connected after engaging with them.
In short, I really WANTED to stay, I just felt like there was so much wrong that I couldn’t.
Have you ever felt like this?
Have you felt like you:
- Want to like social media (especially while practicing physical distancing) but it’s just impossible?
- Really love the good parts of these apps but feel like they’re not worth the crappy stuff?
- Want to feel actual community and belonging online but wonder if it’s possible with a two-dimensional avatar and fake “highlight reels?”
- Want to balance staying informed on serious issues while also protecting your mental health from an anxiety spiral?
- Want to share your views on life and issues to advocate or educate but dread the conflict that inevitably arises from dissenting views?
- Want to feel like you didn’t waste valuable moments with your head glued to your phone?
If any of the above resonate with you, I’ve got a glimmer of hope for ya.
I’m here to tell you there is another way to approach social media – a way that means you don’t have to hate it, feel drained afterward, or wonder if you’re wasting your “real” life.
A way that helps you handle conflict, comparison-itis, and gives you the tools to show up for the causes you care about while handling the fear of getting called out or doing things wrong.
Take it from me, someone who used to dance through the love/hate relationship with these apps on a daily basis – there is another way!!
And while we collectively grapple with ongoing quarantine it’s more important than ever to heal a toxic relationship with social media in order to reap the community and feeling of belonging that’s truly possible there.
I got you guys.
I’ve designed an easy way to go from the love/hate/delete dance to the feeling grateful/connected/balanced and peaceful way you WANT to feel online.
It’s a simple course, can be applied instantly, and is launching in a few weeks. Watch this space for updates – I just couldn’t wait until then to share it. If you wanna hear more, just subscribe to my blog (below) for updates.
Get excited, y’all! There is another way to exist online, and I’ve made it my mission to make this info applicable so that it can change your life too.
Oh, and if you want a few tools to love social media more today, check out this article I recently wrote for Tiny Buddha.
Until next time, take care of yourselves and know that I’m cheering you on.
Life is hard and you are strong.
Keep going, my loves,
PPS: Have you heard the latest episode of the Follow Your Fire podcast?
In this episode we’re talking about people pleasing, perfectionism, and how these qualities interface with anti-racism work (or a lack thereof.) Click here to catch up - and please subscribe, rate, and review if you like it.
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