When I started writing online five years ago, I talked a lot about life purpose and finding the right career. My focus as a coach was helping people to find work that lit them up, and then helping them be brave enough to think they deserved to do it.
My daughter Tilly on a purposeful path
As I led people down that path, I found all sorts of tools and practices that helped people mend the giant ache of “what should I be doing?” I even hosted a podcast all about the path other people took to answer that question. I learned a ton and had so much fun.
But I’ve changed a lot in the few years. I don’t really talk about these things anymore because I am no longer sure how I feel about them. I have been busy unpacking how capitalism, patriarchy, and the conditioning of hustle culture infiltrated how I thought about work, meaning, and “life purpose.” It’s a lot of unlearning. It’s been humbling. But there’s one thing that’s clear as I look in the rearview mirror…
Nothing was wasted.
I truly believe that each step we take in the direction of our dreams matters, and that seemingly unrelated pitstops along the way, no matter how random they seem, are important.
I no longer believe that a big “meaningful life” lies outside of us in the right career, family, or mission, but instead that it’s something we cultivate within as we constantly return to the path of our own truth.
It all matters.
For me and for you.
There’s connection and purpose, if we’re willing to look for it.
Recently I was on a business podcast to talk about how I made the leap from coaching to writing full time. This leap wasn’t intentional (and had a lot to do with becoming a mom who is the primary caregiver of two young children) but the convo sheds light on how one thing (coaching) led me to another (asking heart centered questions) which led me to another (creating journals of questions.)
At the time I was just following the two steps I could see in front of me…but as I look back, I see how they were all connected.
I’ll bet it’s the same for your path too.
As you move forward through this week, I wonder if you might ask yourself:
How has each part of my path been connected?
What would I tell the “me” of the past who worried that my life didn’t look the way it should?
How can I be more gentle with myself now if I trust that my purpose comes from within, that each step founded in truth is the “right” one, and that nothing (and no time) is wasted?
Please feel free to comment below and share your response. And if you know someone who is feeling lost right now, will you share this message with them?
I am recognizing your purpose right here and now…and cheering you on.
Here’s a clip of the podcast. The rest is available here.
PS: Consider writing down answers for your kids or asking questions of your family members in the Questions You’ll Wish You Asked journals. Find them here.
PPS: Have you read any good books lately? Do you want a book journal where you can write about them? The Book Lover’s Companion is live and there are now versions for teens and kids out too. Check them out here.