
On Matthew Perry, Addiction, and the Stories that Outlive Us

I used to be so afraid of talking about my addiction. For years I'd only disclose it in the confines of recovery meetings, one on one conversations, and if I thought it would help someone struggling. It could have stayed like that. But part of how I got sober was through other people’s stories - even if those people didn’t stay sober themselves.

The Sacred: How Time Travelling Can Show Us What We Already Have to Be Grateful For

It can be a terrifying to realize that holding onto the things we love is like grasping water that just keeps running through our hands – fruitless. They will change, and eventually all of it will go.

But this doesn’t have to strike us with fear of what we’ll lose – instead it can be this insanely profound gift.

Because how holy and sacred is all this stuff we actually have today, right?

Let's Talk About Death, Baby

We are ALL going to die.

You, me, Donald Trump, Beyonce, beloved Fluffy, that insta-influencer you follow, your neighbor who’s always jogging the neighborhood with her baby…even Justin Bieber. I KNOW. So what does that mean to you? Read on.

These are NOT the Best Years of Your Life

People looooove to tell you that “these are the best years of your life” when you’ve just had a baby.

They also tell you that it “goes by so fast, cherish every moment,” and yada yada insert well-meaning advice and nostalgia that basically makes me start to panic here.