
The Sacred: How Time Travelling Can Show Us What We Already Have to Be Grateful For

It can be a terrifying to realize that holding onto the things we love is like grasping water that just keeps running through our hands – fruitless. They will change, and eventually all of it will go.

But this doesn’t have to strike us with fear of what we’ll lose – instead it can be this insanely profound gift.

Because how holy and sacred is all this stuff we actually have today, right?

I Got My Miracle Baby - And I Still Kept Wanting More

I had a pretty scary pregnancy.

There were some abnormalities in Tilly’s fetal development that were what the doctor described as “pink flags.”

At the time we were told that these markers could be nothing OR they could mean the absolute worst thing: not getting to meet her at all.

Are We Negative By Nature? How Practicing Gratitude Can Make the Glass Half Full

We might be wired for negativity, but it doesn't mean that we can't change the way that we see the world.