
What is Shadow Work and Why Do it? Plus Tracy Chapman, IFS, and Writing Prompts for the Crescent Moon

Carl Jung’s naming of the “shadow” and how to actually do the work, the internet rediscovers Tracy Chapman at the Grammys but it’s her mind-blowing 1988 performance that’ll change you, writing prompts for the crescent moon, and more about Internal Family Systems, or "IFS": a therapeutic modality that you might not know about but definitely should.

"We're All Just Doomed Then?" - Inherited Family Trauma & Bodies That Keep Score

I recently made a post about a subject I find fascinating - inherited family trauma and how it might be affecting our lives today.  There's evidence to show that we can inherit and carry reactive behaviors and mannerisms for at least three but possibly up to SEVENTEEN generations back.  The response was wildly divisive.